Please note NEW hours from today until February 11, 2019 are Saturday and Sunda…

Please note NEW hours from today until February 11, 2019 are Saturday and Sunday only 10:00-3:00. Please call Bill Parson at 334-399-7996 for more information.


Ed and Carol Brophy Congratulations to Shamrock Leathers on their 50th annivers…

Ed and Carol Brophy
Congratulations to Shamrock Leathers on their 50th anniversary in business. Read all about their remarkable story in the November issue of Trap & Field.


Come support the Auburn University Clay Shooting Club tomorrow, November 6th fro…

Come support the Auburn University Clay Shooting Club tomorrow, November 6th from 5-8pm at BurgerFi on South College St! Tell them you are there for us and return your receipt. Proceeds go towards team funding, hope to see you there!


Image may contain: 11 people, people smiling, people standing, sky, tree, child and outdoor
